Activities for Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
'Challenge The Outdoors' provides outdoor activities to people with disabilities
PrOActive Erasmus+ Project: Promoting outdoor activities for adults with intellectual disabilities
Autism help: 9 games to play with paper plates: from The Son-Rise Program®
Proactive: Promoting outdoor activities for adults with intellectual disability and their caregivers
ACE Summer Camp provides activities for kids with developmental disabilities
Exploring the Great Outdoors for People with Disabilities
Promoting outdoor activities for adults with intellectual disabilities and their family caregivers
Fun Activities For Developmentally Disabled Adults
Easy sensory activities to try at home
Adventure Skills Workshop
These incredible activities are for people with disabilities
Physical Activity Participation for People with Disability | McKenzie | DMCN
Nonprofit to open new building to help young adults with intellectual disabilities
PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES and their INCLUSION: webinar! Dancefulness, autism-VR, Adventure Therapy.
Physical Education Games for Individuals with Disabilities
The Use of Outdoor Environmental Education in Special Educational Needs and Disability PrimarySchool
Summer Camp for Intellectually / Physically disabled
Including Adults with Severe Intellectual Disabilities in Co-Design through Active Support
Community Living: Housing Options and Advocacy, Recreation, Transportation, Respite