A look at Arizona's record unemployment
Phoenix, Arizona Facts - Cost of Living, Unemployment Rate, Weather, Schools, Population
Unemployment in Phoenix
Unemployment rate in Arizona at near-record low
Phoenix Job Market ruining home values?
Jobless rate in Phoenix up 100,000
By the numbers: Arizona’s historically low unemployment rate
Arizona. Gov. talks high employment rates; offers reasons for the number
Phoenix Real Estate Market Crash | Is The Worst Over?
Is Phoenix Doomed??
Unemployment rate for Arizona declines to 4.7% in November
Arizona's unemployment rate higher than national average
Ducey says Arizona's economy 'booming' despite high unemployment rate
Verify: Is job growth on the rise in Arizona?
Phoenix Real Estate Market Reaches Bottom: Prices Set to Rise in 2023?
State unemployment rate drop
Economists estimate AZ unemployment rate is above 10%
Poverty, unemployment on the rise in Arizona
Arizona's unemployment rate down to 6.7 percent in December