The power of a poem: How poetry can help Alzheimer's patients with memory loss
Using poetry to tap into Alzheimer's patients minds
Caregiving And The Power Of Poetry
Dementia Poem - I May Be Forgetful
Poetry Project Helps Dementia Patients Live in the Moment
Poetry provides gateway to past for alzheimer sufferers
A passion for words is helping dementia patients
Embers and Keys. A poem about supporting those with dementia and Alzheimers.
Coping with Alzheimer's Through Music and Poetry | Perspectives | Being Patient
Headliner and actor Harriet Walter reads a poem for Dementia Action Week
The power of poetry to unlock memories | Tracey Guiry | TEDxPlymouthUniversity
A sad poem from a patient with Alzheimer | A poem that will make you cry
Using Poetry to Connect with People with Dementia
'Widowhood in the Dementia Ward'Finuala Dowling | Awareness-raising poems
A Dementia Carer Poems
Two of my favourite funeral poems
dangle & dot: Alzheimer’s Poetry Reading: “She Is” by Nancy Nelson
Gary Glazner recites "We Are Forget"
Transformative Poetry: Applications in Alzheimer’s Disease (2016–17)
Our Own Coordinates- Poems About Dementia- launch