Chemo Port Access and Care
How a Portacath is used for Chemotherapy Treatment
Accessing an implantable port training - 3D animation
Getting a PORT for Chemotherapy (What is Feels Like)
My Chemo Port: What it is and How it Works
Chemo Port Placement With Hidden Incision and Scar
Chemotherapy Ports for Breast Cancer Chemotherapy: Everything You Need to Know
What Should I Expect During A Port Placement?
Port-a-Cath (Implanted Vascular Access Device)
Step-by-Step Chemoport Removal Explained | Dr Praveen Kammar
Chemoports Explained: How They Make Cancer Treatment Easier? | Dr Niharika Garach
Taking care of your port and preventing infection I Norton Cancer Institute
Subcutaneous Port Placement
Using a Chemotherapy Port During Your Chemo Treatment
What to Expect at Your First Infusion Appointment
Julie’s Story: What chemo infusion day is like
How to Disconnect Your Port at Home - Mass General Cancer Center
Using a Portacath During Chemotherapy Treatment
What Happens After a Port Placement?