How to: Insert a Date Into A Filename with PowerShell
Powershell File Rename Date/Time
Rename multiple files as "Modified Date/Time" using cmd or Powershell (2 Solutions!!)
How to rename photos to the date taken
Batch File Renaming, renaming multiple files using PowerShell
How to rename multiple photos to the date (Windows)
Rename .jpg files by 'date taken' property in powershell windows 10 (2 Solutions!!)
PowerShell! Renaming Files
Add Dates To File Or Photo Names With an Automator Script
How to Change the Date & Time of multiple files using PowerShell script
How to Create Filename with Date Time in Windows Batch Script
PowerShell Tutorials : Renaming CSV files based on data
Work with Date & Time with PowerShell
Append the current date and time to the file name (3 Solutions!!)
Easily Rename All Files In Folders (NOOB vs PRO) & rename files based on an Excel table with PAD
Date formats for renaming files and folders in your computer
Using Date and Times in a batch file to create a file name (6 Solutions!!)
How to Change Last Modified Date, Creation Date, Accessed Date of any File and Folders on Your PC
Rename Multiple Files in a Folder at Once (With Different Names) From Excel List | Excel Template
Powershell: Parse Date Out of File Name