Primary health care throughout our life
What is primary health care?
Colleen Flood and Jane Philpott on the Canada Health Act principle of accessibility
Primary Health Care
WEBINAR Primary Health Care in Canada: Highlights from CIHI's 2016 Primary Health Care Chartbook
Primary Health Care Reform - What does it Mean for Canadian Children and Youth
Canada's Healthcare System Explained!
5 Paths to health reform in Canada: primary care
Colleen Fuller on the principle of universality in health care
EAPC webinar: Defining primary palliative care webinar
The Alma Ata Declaration of Primary Health Care
Introduction - Strengthening Primary Health Care in Canada
Episode 3: How Does Health Care Work in Canada?
The Pillars of Canadian Healthcare System: Important Things to Know!
RC66 | Primary Health care Measurement and Improvement (PHCMI) Initiative
Anti-Stigma Initiative for Primary Health Care in Ontario
Health Promotion and the Ottawa Charter - Creating Healthier Populations:
Joint Workshop on Quality of Primary Health Care by the University of Toronto and Peking University
Regional Strategy for Primary Health Care 2022-2030