Change field (column) names in QGIS
Change column (field) names quickly using an 'alias' in QGIS
QGIS Multi edit attribute features
#11 QGIS - Change Attribute Table fields
How to Rearrange Attribute Table Columns using QGIS
Change the properties of an attribute field in QGIS
QGIS Tutorial - Field Name Edit, New Field Create & Delete Field of Shape file in QGIS
How to replace or truncate text in attribute table in QGIS.
How to Edit Field in Attributes Table | Working with the Attribute Table
Changing attribute table column text data to capital letters or upper case in QGIS
Rename field and Retain fields of shapefile attribute table II Rename field and Retain fields QGIS
QGIS - Layer Properties - Rename fields of shapefile attribute table
QGIS Tutorials 20: Working with Attribute Table in QGIS | QGIS Beginners
GIS: Changing data type in attribute table in QGIS (3 Solutions!!)
QGIS - Table Manager - Rename fields of shapefile attribute table
Renaming field of attribute table in QGIS
Renaming Attribute Table in QGIS
Filling Column values in Attribute Table with Same Values using QGIS
Select Table Rows and Modify Column Values in QGIS
Delete fields in Q-GIS