OLS minimizes the sum of the squared residuals
Multiple Regression | ANOVA Table | F-Test | R-square | Standard Error
F-test for linear restrictions in regression model
5.5. Testing linear equality restrictions
Applied Optimization 3: Minimize a formula for pulse -- sum of square error
Multivariable Regression Model- Restricted Least Squares- Part II
MLE vs OLS | Maximum likelihood vs least squares in linear regression
Multivariable Regression Model- Restricted Least Squares Part I
Multiple Regression - Multiple Restrictions general
Estimating the Variance of the Error Term in a Least Squares Regression Line, problem 3
F Tests for Linear Restrictions
GLM Intro - 2 - Least Squares vs. Maximum Likelihood
Testing Complex Hypotheses for Multiple Regression Using the Extra-Sum-of-Squares Method
STA602: Uses of Extra Sum of Squares
Week 4: General Linear Model Lecture #1
The Sum-of-Squares Method
Data Science Interview Questions: Sum of Residuals (Episode 4)
Hypothesis Testing: Restricted Least Squares