Excel - Round Time to Quarter Hour or Nearest 5 Minutes - Episode 2210
R : Rounding time to nearest quarter hour
How to round times in excel | nearest, up or down | day, hour, minute or second
Round time to nearest half hour
Round off time to nearest hour, half an hour and 15 mintues
⏲ Telling Time to the Nearest Quarter Hour ⏰
Excel Magic Trick 379: Round to Nearest 1/10th Hour for Payroll
Time to the Nearest Quarter Hour
Round time to nearest hour in Excel
How to Round Time to Nearest Hour or Minute or Second in Excel
Round Time to Nearest Interval (15 min / 30 min / hour ) in Power Query
Code Review: Rounding a time to its lowest quarter-hour (2 Solutions!!)
JavaScript : How to round time to the nearest quarter hour in JavaScript?
Tracking Employee hours using the Quarter Hour or Hundredth Hour method
Telling Time to the Half Hour and Hour Song | 1st Grade & 2nd Grade
PHP : Round minute down to nearest quarter hour
Telling Time (Quarter, Half, and Whole Hours)
PYTHON : How do I round datetime column to nearest quarter hour
Learn How to Tell Time on a Clock | Time to the Quarter Hour | Quarter Past, Half Past, Quarter To