regulate - pronunciation + Examples in sentences and phrases
[v] Regulate meaning (control, rules or laws) with 5 examples
Daily English Sentence Control Word examples
control - pronunciation + Examples in sentences and phrases
Regulate Your Emotions- Example Sentences
[n] Restriction meaning (limit, control) with 5 examples
Control meaning with 5 examples
Regulate Emotions Better with Opposite Action (with Examples) | Psychiatrist
self-control - 7 nouns which mean self-control (sentence examples)
[adj] Subject meaning (authority or control) with 5 examples
[n] Discipline meaning (training, control) with 5 examples
How to use "access control" in a sentence - "access control" sentence examples with pronunciation
Simple future tense sentences🔥#shorts #spokenenglish #learnenglish #englishgrammar #englishspeaking
[v] Oppress meaning (unfair control) with 5 examples
Write the plural form of the underlined word in the sentence
[v] Steer meaning (guide or control) with 5 examples
Warren G Breaks Down 'Regulate' -- From The Sample To The Back Story | People's Party Clip
English vocabulary words with examples | control your five ''M" with examples | enhance English
10 new English words with meaning and sentences. Add them in your dictionary now.
[v] Restrict meaning (limit, control) with 5 examples