The role of Self Directed Learning in Medical Education (11/12/24)
Self-Directed Professional Development (Part 1) - Chris Farrell | ELTOC Chapter 5 2023
PEP Principles of Self-directed Learning and Student Motivation
Making sense of self-regulated learning: theory and practice for the classroom
Understanding Independent Study: A Guide to Self-Directed Learning
Knowles’s Adult Learning Theory
The Neuroscience of Adult Learning: From Theory to Practice
Self- Directed and Constructivist Learning Theories in Integrating Technology
BOOK INSIGHTS - Self-Directed Learning: An imperative for education in a complex society
Balancing Theory vs Practice
Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future | Joe Ruhl | TEDxLafayette
Learning styles & the importance of critical self-reflection | Tesia Marshik | TEDxUWLaCrosse
Social Learning Theory: Bandura’s Bobo Beatdown Experiments
From Theory into Practice: Special Education
Choose your own Adventure Self Directed Adult Learning and Assessment
BOOK INSIGHTS - Learning through assessment: An approach towards self-directed learning
Introduction to Instructional Design: Models, Theory, & Principles
From theory to practice: activities for any classroom
Online Learning Theories (Maysoon Al Sayed Ahmad)
Adult Learning: Connecting Theory to Practice