Self-regulation, self-regulated learning and Albert Bandura
Self-Regulation and Motivation v2
Social Learning Theory: Bandura’s Bobo Beatdown Experiments
Gender schema theory, Time out technique, Self regulation theory for MPTET, CGTET
EAT-Erasmus Webinar Series 2023 - Webinar 2 "Promoting student self regulation through assessment"
Self-Efficacy Theory v1
Self and Personality (CBSE class 12)-2
What is Self Regulated Learning?
Toddlers regulate their behavior to avoid making adults angry
What Is Regulation and How Can We Help a Child Self-regulate?
Self Regulating Behaviors|urdu/hindi|
Lyndie Kelley Key Assessment #5 Social Cognitive Theory
The Definition of Metacognition and John Flavell
Self-Determination Theory v1 - updated here:
Albert Bandura | Wikipedia audio article
Emotional Self-Efficacy
Self & related Concepts
The 60 Rule for Emotions & Problem Solving
Social Cognitive Theory: a Health Promotion Perspective
Theory Presentation