基本英語文法: 代名詞 - 彼女、彼女、彼、彼の
Pronouns like she/her, he/him and they/them explained
“She” or “her”? “He” or “his”? Subjective & Objective Pronouns
英語の代名詞の使い方 - 彼/彼女 |彼/彼女 |彼/彼女 |彼/彼女
Confusing Subject & Object Pronouns: HE or HIM? I or ME? SHE AND I or HER AND I...?
His - Her | He - She | Possessive adjectives
My pronouns are…
Seeing the Pale Garden for the FIRST TIME 😁 Minecraft Singleplayer 1.21.4 Survival (Day 2,840+) 🔴
POV: When someone uses he/she/they pronouns
Andrew's new Pronouns are SHE/HER
His pronouns are He/Him (not my audio)
she/her she/her, he/him he/him, pronoun, pronoun, liberal, liberal
She/Her/Hers and He/him/his Pronouns on LinkedIn Profiles
my pronouns!
主語と目的語の代名詞 (I/me、she/her、he/him、they/them、we/us、it、you)
【中1 英語】 him,her の意味と使い方 (12分)
what everyone gets wrong about nonbinary people…
What does "she/her" mean in a bio?