Winter and summer solistice Tromsø, Norway
Shortest Day of the Year (Winter Solstice) in London, Ontario Canada. DEC 21, 2009.
Summer Solstice vs. Winter Solstice: Side-by-Side Time-lapse
Thousands gather at Stonehenge to mark winter solstice
The Winter Solstice Sunset 2021 The Shortest Day of The Year!!
Winter Solstice - Shortest Day of the Year 2018
Alaska Winter Solstice Timelapse
Winter solstice Sunrise-Sunset time lapse
Sunset on the shortest day of the year
Solstice walk at -31 degrees C (Extreme cold weather) in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
summer solstice sunrise
2020 December 21, Sunrise, Solstice, Sunset
Sunrise Toronto June 20 2018
Longest Day of the Year (Summer Solstice) in London, Ontario Canada. JUN 21, 2010
Winter Solstice Timelapse
20231222 Sunrise Timelapse
Newgrange passage tomb partially lit at winter solstice sunrise
Sunrise over Lake Ontario - Winter Solstice 2016
Sunrise to Sunset over Lake Ontario
Toronto Skyline Timelapse (2022-06-24)