Super Robot Wars V - Zoelguut-Class Domelaze III Attacks
宇宙戦艦ヤマト - 船の故障
戦艦大和の歴史1941~2199 Battle Ship YAMATO history
国連宇宙海軍分析 |スターブレイザーズ(ヤマト)
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 Episode One Space Battle (Ships only)
Why Warship Classes Have Never Made Sense
ドレッドノート級宇宙戦艦の建造 宇宙戦艦ヤマト
Yamato-class battleships firing compilation - Haifuri The Movie
Battleship Yamato final battle
Space battleship Yamato Cosmo Navy Fleet
space battleship Yamato 2199 earth first battle
Space Battleship Yamato Class 2202 (Makoto Kobayashi)
Space battleship Yamato 2202 The Andromeda journey
The Gatlantis Empire Fleet Analysis | Star Blazers (Yamato)
"The Galactic Pilot" | Earth Federation March (Space Battleship Yamato: 2199)
The Supremacy vs Andromeda Fleet (Star Wars vs Space Battleship Yamato 2202)
宇宙戰艦大和號 三式彈發射集錦; Star Blazers Space Battleship Yamato Type 3 shells fire compliation
Space Battleship Yamato Battle Scene (With Cannons)
Space battleship Yamato Gamillas Fleet