LawCall - Stand Your Ground in Georgia - 2021
Defense attorney breaks down what 'Stand Your Ground' law rollback could mean for Georgia
Ga. stand your Ground law review
Georgia lawmakers consider bill that would roll back 'Stand Your Ground' law
Bill would roll back 'stand your ground' law in Georgia
Black Man Sentenced To 10 Years In Prison In Georgia Stand Your Ground Case | Roland Martin
Georgia Jury REJECTS A Black Man's Stand-Your-Ground Defense In Murder Of White Teen | Roland Martin
Stand-Your-Ground Laws in Georgia: Pros, Cons, and Misuse Risks - Essay Example
Newsy Looks at Georgia's "Stand Your Ground" Law. Was the Marc Wilson case Self-Defense?
Ga.Stand your Ground law as it relates to security.
Lawyer wants "stand your ground" law to clear Georgia man in shooting death of 17-year-old
7/22/2018 - Stand Your Ground Rule - Macon, GA - LawCall - Legal Videos
What is 'Enhanced Stand-Your-Ground law -- and why does it matter for Georgia gun owners?
"Stand Your Ground" Debate Underway
GA Defending Property
Stand Your Ground Law in Ohio Win!! Georgia Stands in the Balance!!
10 Mayors Attack Georgia Stand Your Ground Law
Law expert explains 'Stand Your Ground' law following home invasion
Stand Your Ground Under Fire After Local Deaths
What are stand your ground laws?