The Fewest Given Digits possible in a Sudoku ...
A Sudoku Secret to Blow Your Mind - Numberphile
Sudoku, Tutorial #34 Managaing small numbers to solve very hard puzzles.
Sudoku. Tutorial #26 The power of 3X3 to eliminate small numbers.
The Sudoku With Only 10 Given Digits
A Sudoku With Only 4 Given Digits?!
X-Wings and the Rectangle Rule for Solving Medium to Hard Sudoku Puzzles
17 and Sudoku Clues - Numberphile
Wrestling with the Octoquadri, a sudoku-adjacent set of puzzles
Sudoku tutorial #86 Only 17 numbers to start!
How to solve SUDOKU with only 17 numbers of the least in the world : AI version
The Minimum Number Of Given Digits For A Sudoku Is Now 14
Last possible number - a Sudoku technique for beginners
How to play Sudoku
How to Solve a Sudoku Game
17 Givens - The Sudoku Minimum - How Hard To Solve?
The Sudoku With Only 2 Given Digits
A Sudoku With 36 Given Digits
Tutorial # 64. The sudoku W Wing.! Really?Another feature to learn and look for.
The Sudoku Trick Very Few Experts Know