TEMPER (verb) Meaning with Examples in Sentences | GRE GMAT LSAT SAT
TEMPER - Meaning and Pronunciation
Temper Meaning Example Definition | EWD-English Word Dictionary | English Word In-depth Mean
What is the meaning of the word TEMPER?
Temper meaning - Temper pronunciation - Temper example - Temper synonyms
[v] Temper meaning (moderate, soften) with 5 examples
Temper — TEMPER definition
What is the Meaning of Temper | Temper Meaning with Example
[n] Temper meaning (mood, emotion) with 5 examples
Temper | meaning of Temper
🔵 A Short Temper - Short-Tempered - Idioms - ESL British English Pronunciation
Temper Meaning In English
How to pronounce TEMPER | Meaning of TEMPER and usage (with examples).
Bad temper | meaning of Bad temper
temper - 7 nouns which are synonym to temper (sentence examples)
TEMPER meaning, definition & pronunciation | What is TEMPER? | How to say TEMPER
Unraveling the Mystery of "Having a Hot Temper"
lose one's temper meaning
Bad temper — definition of BAD TEMPER
Understanding "Explosive Temper": A Guide for English Learners