tender - 5 adjectives which are synonym of tender (sentence examples)
tender - 4 adjectives which are synonyms of tender (sentence examples)
tender-hearted - 13 adjectives synonym to tender-hearted (sentence examples)
tender - pronunciation + Examples in sentences and phrases
kind-hearted - 15 adjectives synonym of kind-hearted (sentence examples)
What is the meaning of the word TENDER?
Tender Meaning | VocabAct | NutSpace
tasty - 12 adjectives which are synonyms of tasty (sentence examples)
Word of the Day in English // Tender // English Lesson 33 // #SHORTS
touching - 8 adjectives with the meaning of touching (sentence examples)
Tender (adjective) Word of the Day for November 27th
ripe - 5 adjectives which are synonym to ripe (sentence examples)
Tender | Meaning of tender
100 Common Adjectives in English
susceptible - 5 adjectives which are synonym of susceptible (sentence examples)
sympathetic - 12 adjectives meaning sympathetic (sentence examples)
soft-hearted - 13 adjectives synonym to soft-hearted (sentence examples)
sensitive - 6 adjectives having the meaning of sensitive (sentence examples)
English Vocabulary: Describing Food And Taste in English | Adjectives
sentimental - 6 adjectives synonym to sentimental (sentence examples)