12-hours in Halifax, reporter goes from ‘green’ to ‘white'
The Weather Network Local Forecast - 11 September 2001
See the 'Megabanks' towering over people on Halifax city streets
Dealing with diverse Halifax weather, here's how officials plan for it
WEATHER BOMB possibly left $100 bill on Nova Scotia webcam
Halifax streets are clear...for now, what's to come with this nor'easter?
Halifax reporter has never seen the boardwalk do this before
The Weather Network Halifax NS WeatherSTAR 3000 Local forecast May 20 2023
TWN Halifax Forecast
Weather Network - Shelley Steeves - Hurrican Earl, Halifax NS
Homeowner fights against raging floodwaters in Bedford, NS on July 21, 2023 | #shorts #novascotia
City of Halifax is No Longer Testing Ice Thickness of Ponds and Lakes, Here's Why
Snow flying sideways in Halifax and here's the proof, nor'easter bearing down
Halifax walk to work - HUGE snow drifts after nor'easter
Halifax snowstorm packs a wallop, but the locals really don't seem to mind.
Beached car recovered in Nova Scotia, this may be a first
The Weather Network Halifax NS WeatherSTAR 3000 local forecast May 29 2023
Accident Happens On Live TV As Snow Targets Halifax | #WeatherAM
Weather Network reporters abandon vehicle on Citadel Hill | Atlantic nor'easter
The Weather Network Storm Reporters Get Blown Over "Wintercane"