How to answer any SAQ (IB Psychology)
Which approach for the essays? IB Psych Exam Tips
Social identity theory - A full summary and evaluation - IB Psychology
Techniques to study the brain - MRI (Biological Approach in IB Psych)
Revising for IB Psych in 3 Simple Questions
Social cognitive theory - A full summary and evaluation
My Favourite Study - Neurotransmitters
A brief summary of the working memory model - IB Psychology
Biological etiologies of PTSD - Abnormalities in the brain
Sociocultural etiologies of PTSD
IB Psychology Exam Tips - Abnormal Psychology-Etiologies
New IB Psychology Teachers - A few words of encouragement!
Welcome to ThemEd!
TIB thematic education
Lesson 1.2a Variables and Relationships - IB Psych Introduction (Chapter 1) - TSP
Why we rarely use the word "prove" in psychology
Lesson 1.2b Applying Conclusions - IB Psych Introduction (Chapter 1) - TSP
Lesson Plan IB Psych Tech and Cognition - Correlational Studies
Revealing BIG changes to how IB Psych IAs are marked.
IB Psych IA - Tips for Marking and Feedback - Screencasting