How does your commute compare to the average?
Should My Husband Take A Job With A 1 Hour Commute
How long is the ideal commute TIME?
'Commuting is tough': Taking a ride with one Modesto father's long commute
Study: Average work commute getting worse
Why morning commute times are going up for some
Which city has the longest commute to work?
Is Your Commute Making You Sick?
Genentech - Your Commute Just Became Easier
Survey: Minneapolis' Commute Times Aren't All That Bad
Length of commute drops in importance for new home buyers
The State of the American Commute
CHCH Evening News at 6
Average metro Detroiter has 50-minute commute, study says
How to Make Your Commute Suck Less
Why do people commute by airplane?
What your commute will look like in 2050 | FT
Commute to Work Data: Demystified!
How Far is Too Far Part 3 Dentist Commute
Study: Atlanta has most expensive commute in U.S.