What is the meaning of the word PROVOKE?
Provoke - Improve English - Meaning and 5 sentences - GRE / CAT / GMAT word - SSC Words
English Vocabulary Builder: PROVOKE - Verb (Pronunciation & Usage)
Provoke Meaning with definition and examples || Provoke synonyms || Provoke pronounce
🔵 Provoke Meaning - Provocation Examples - Provoke Defined - IELTS Verbs -Provoke Provocation
Provoke means - deliberately make (someone) annoyed or angry; भड़काना, प्रदीप्त करना - (हिन्दी में)
Level 5 Vocabulary - Provoke - Definition \ Meaning
Provoke - Meaning, Pronunciation, Examples | How to pronounce Provoke in American English
Definition of the word "Provoke"
Word of the day "Provoke"
provoke meaning in hindi | provoke का मतलब | example sentences | @EnglishByte
English word meaning Provoke
Provoke | meaning of Provoke
Provoke(v)||Everyday vocabulary||today's word is"Provoke".
Egg on - Provoke meaning and its use in sentences - Improve Vocabulary - Urdu/Hindi
use of provoke
What does provoke mean
PROVOKE - Meaning and Pronunciation