Bonehead shedding his velvet at 4 years old
Deer sheds velvet
Shedding velvet Episode 84 Whitetail buck in early stage of shedding velvet
Largest Elk Bull Sheds His Antlers
I SLICED the antlers off 4 MONSTER BUCKS! | Emergency Amputation
Amputating BLOODY antlers off HUGE BUCK
Time Lapse Antler Growth of Whitetail Deer - See How Fast Antlers Grow
Velvet Shedding and Increased Aggression
Why do some antlers look like this?🦌 (*please see explanation in comments about coloration)
Roe Deer Shedding it's Velvet
Watch Majestic Elk Shed Velvet in Epic Rut Ritual!
Big Alaska Bull Moose Sheds His Velvet | MooseMan Video Photography Calendar
Dissecting Broken Velvet antler episode 87
Buck Shedding Antler