Find out if you get work off for Election Day in your state | USA TODAY
Does your employer have to give you time off to vote? 2 Wants to Know
Take Election Day Off
Take the day off from work to vote?
Are Employers Required to Give Employees Time Off to Vote?
Minneapolis company gives employees Election Day off to vote
KC mulls letting city workers have paid day off for working polls
In-Depth: Paid time off to vote
Utah company giving all employees Election Day off to vote
Ohio law protects workers who need to take time off to vote on Election Day: Legally Speaking
What you need to know about your Election Day voting rights
You are entitled to time off from work and school to #vote
GVSU offering staff paid time off to vote, work the polls
Can I take time off work to vote in an election in Canada?
Does Your State Allow You To Take Time Off To Vote? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Driver finds a box of early voting ballots in the middle of the road 
Student’s viral tweet turns Election Day into holiday
Trump makes congressional address as tariffs hit Canada
Michigan official: Election Day should be a worker holiday
Voters' Day Off IPA – Let's Make Election Day a Federal Holiday