How Israel Was Created
History of Israel-Palestine Conflict
Here’s THE TRUTH About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (A Comprehensive History)
How did Israel become a country?
What Life Was Like In Palestine Before 1948 | Insider News
How Israel Was Created | AJ+
Britain in Palestine 1917-1948
America's fight over Israel: where did it come from? Where is it going?
How did Israel Become a Country? | Animated History
1948: Creation & Catastrophe (Full documentary)
From Abraham to State of Israel: 3,750 Years of Jewish History #JewishHistory
Israelis: Was your family here before 1948?
How did Palestine get its Name? (Documentary)
3,000 Years of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in 13 Minutes
Origins of the Word Palestine
How Israel STOLE Palestine
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict explained on a map
What was Israel called before its formation in 1948? || Israel-Palestine war
Did Israel Steal Palestinian Land?