Why I don't recommend the King James Bible
KJV or Geneva Bible? How do you know?
1611 KJV Bible Compared To The 1560 Geneva Bible
Was Enoch in the 1611 KJV Bible?
King James Bible Apocrypha and the Book of Enoch review part 1
King James Version 1611 Bible, with the Apocrypha
Why Isn’t the Book of Enoch in the Bible?
Examining Enoch - Enoch Was in the Original KJV?
Why Was the Apocrypha Removed from the Bible?
The Book of Enoch is quoted in the Bible
Holy Bible | 1611 King James Version 400th Anniversary Edition - Over 30 lbs!
Complete Book of Enoch by Alexander Scourby, Number 1 Video on Scourby YouBible Channel.
The Book of Enoch Explained
Why the Book of Enoch was BANNED from the Bible
Why does the KJV have the Apocrypha?
Prophetic Insight - Why Did They Take Enoch Out Of The King James Bible?
This is Why The Ethiopian Bible And Book Of Enoch Got Banned
Did King James Really Remove 20 Books? The Truth About the KJV and Ethiopian Bible