What makes a hero? - Matthew Winkler
What are important characteristics within Beowulf that make Beowulf an epic hero?
Characteristics of the Epic Hero and Epic Poems: The Epic Hero Cycle and Epic Poetry Explained
Epic Hero by Shmoop
Homer & the Epic Hero Cycle
Four Functions of an Epic Hero
Characteristics of the Epic
Epic Hero by Storyboard That
The Epic Poem
Characteristics of an Epic Poem and an Epic Hero
The Hero's Journey according to Joseph Campbell - video by Matthew Winkler and Kirill Yeretsky
Epic Heroes - Past and Present
Traits of an Epic Hero
What is epic poetry | epic poem characteristics
A host of heroes - April Gudenrath
Epic Hero traits
Beowulf Epic Hero Traits
12 Traits of a Hero
Characteristics of an Epic Hero/Epic Hero Cycle