誰が気候変動の責任者ですか? –誰が修正する必要がありますか?
Climate Change Impact on Developing Countries | Linda Bouadjel-Zebian | TEDxLosGatosHighSchool
Can developed and developing nations unite on energy issues?
India and China: "Developed Countries Should Lead on Emissions Cuts"
Rich countries 'should double climate aid'
How developing nations pay the price for climate goals missed by wealthier countries
Climate change explained: do green policies harm developing economies? | FT
Have We Made ANY Progress on Climate Change? Here's The Data, You Decide
WION Climate Tracker: Why are rich nations not doing more to combat global warming
Global South Pushes Developed Nations to Avoid "Climate Catastrophe" by Turning Words into Action
Take Action for the World's Least Developed Countries
Developed vs developing countries at COP26: What will India say on climate fund, net zero emissions?
Climate damage: How and why rich countries should pay up
Rich countries to pay for climate damage: BBC News Review
Climate, Disasters, and Other Shocks: Are Countries Ready?
China says establishing fund for poor countries will be 'biggest obstacle' at COP26 climate talks
World Development Report 2010
Can carbon markets benefit developing countries?
Developing countries and climate change - which way to go? | Global Ideas
The Daily Climate Show: Should developing countries be paid to protect the environment?