UF vet explains mitral valve heart disease in dogs
Understanding Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs
My dog has a new murmur, now what? Degenerative mitral valve disease and latest treatment options
Veterinary Cardiology: Chronic Degenerative Valve Disease In Dogs
Chronic Degenerative Valve Disease in Dogs
Mitral Valve Disease treatment at Affiliated Veterinary Specialists
Mitral Valve Regurgitation
Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs
Heart diseases in Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dogs | Mitral Valve Disease
MITRACLIP (Mitral Valve Clip) | Repairing a Leaky Heart Valve without Surgery
A New Hope For Dogs With Mitral Valve Disease (Episode 1): Overview of TEER V-Clamp | (PODCAST)
Mitral Valve Prolapse and Regurgitation, Animation
CritterPulse | Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs | Olympic Veterinary Cardiology
Pimobendan: A Treatment for Preclinical Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs | Feature Video
Prof. Brendan Corcoran - Murder of a Heart Valve: An Open-and-shut Case?
Myxomatous mitral valve disease | Clinical signs, Physical examination, Diagnosis (VHS explained!)
Updates on Mitral Valve Disease; What, When, Why?
Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease in dogs
Exploring Surgical Options for Mitral Valve Disease in Dogs
Blood movement through canine mitral valve.