【N5-N4】What do you do on the weekend? - Easy Japanese interview / Japanese listening practice
What did you do at the weekend? (Japanese)
36 Simple Japanese Sentences for Daily Life! 🇯🇵 Things to Do on Weekends!
What Do You Do on the Weekend?【DAY 9】
Conversation 会話「What did you do on the weekend?/週末 何をしましたか。」
How to say "Do you have any plans for this weekend? in Japanese | Daily Japanese phrases
Japanese conversation (Intermediate) LMJS -What do you do on the weekend?
Online Japanese Lesson 31/40 : 週末はどうですか? (How is your weekend?)
「How was your weekend?と聞かれた時の答え方」RisaTオススメ 6 Example sentences
週末について話そう・Let's talk about the weekend
【N5】Japanese shadowing | Talk about weekend activities / 週末について話す #japanesepodcast
Basic Japanese 〜What’s your plan for the weekend ?〜
日本語会話「週末にゲームをしました」 やさしい日本語リスニング【N5-N3】
How to say, "What are you doing this weekend?"in Japanese!!!
20年ぶりのガチャガチャ。平凡な真夏の1日。[Easy Japanese]
(6Min)Easy Japanese talking. What did I do last weekend?/ Comprehensible input