How to Vote in Florida
Registered to vote in Florida? Some of your data is public
Florida election deadline: What you need to know to vote in Florida primaries
Florida Primary Election Day: What you need to know before you vote
Florida election deadline: You need to register by next week to vote in the August primaries
How to vote in Florida's primary election on Tuesday
How to register to vote and check your status in Florida
Have You Registered To Vote In Florida's Presidential Preference Primary?
How to register to vote in Florida
Tuesday is the deadline to register to vote in the midterm election
Are you registered to vote for Florida's Presidential Primary?
What you need to know before you vote
It’s the last day to register to vote, change party or address before Florida primary
Deadline To Register To Vote In Florida's Primary Here
Voice 2 Vote: Can independent voters cast a ballot in the Florida primary? (FCL July 17)
Florida voters get more time to register to vote after website snafu
Vote Smarter 2020: Do You Need An ID To Vote?
Don't waste your vote: What you need to know before voting in the Florida primary
Today is the last day to register to vote in Florida