What does casting director do?
How The Casting Process Works | How to Get Cast in a Movie or Show
What Do Casting Directors Look For In An Actor?
5 Things Casting Directors Wish Actors Knew About Auditioning
how an agent works with a casting director - arvold QUICK TIP
Actors: 3 Tips Straight from a Casting Director!
what does a casting director look at before an audition - arvold CONVERSATION
What Casting Directors are Really Looking for but won't Tell you
Film Casting Process: Casting Directors & Where it All Began
The casting director's insights: Amy Hubbard
How To Cast An Independent Movie With A Casting Director by Thomas Beatty & Rebecca Fishman
The Benefits of Hiring a Casting Director
advice for directors on the casting process - arvold ASK
Acting Tip: Why Casting Directors REALLY Call You In To Audition
Casting Directors
Aspiring Hollywood: Casting Director Neely Gurman Interview about the casting process in Hollywood
What does a Director ACTUALLY do?
How Every Actor Needs to Answer the (Seemingly) Random Casting Director Questions at an Audition
Working With Casting Directors
What are Casting Directors Looking for in Headshots?