Stata encode and decode
STATA(5) Recode
Variable rename, define variable label, and value label in Stata Syntax
Difference Between _n and _N in Stata
Stata: Renaming and Labeling Variables
Using #inrange and #inlist functions in #Stata to evaluate consistency
Bysort Egen Meanを使用して、Stataで1つの変数を別の変数で並べ替える方法
Pie charts in Stata®
Introduction to Stata - Generating variables using the generate, replace, and label commands
Introduction to Stata - Syntax
Introductory Stata 23: Linear Hypothesis Testing (test, lincom)
STATA(7) generate replace, logical operator and if statement
Stata in 5 Tabulate
Standardizing a Variable in Stata
How to calculate Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic mean in STATA
Stata: "stset" command
How to calculate Arithmetic, Geometric, and Harmonic Means in STATA software
Using egen (by) in Stata
Univariate analysis in Stata for beginners: Part-1 | mean, SD, frequency, proportion/percentage
STATA Video #7 Quantile Regression