What Does "A 50% Chance of Rain" Actually Mean?
What is meant by 10 mm of rainfall?| Rainfall data
What does the mm of rain mean?
How much is "an inch" of rainfall?
0.05 in/hr
A quarter-inch of rain? Brian is not impressed.
Water Collection (1 of 2: Why do we measure rain in millimetres?)
Measuring Rain
MVP rain gauge less than 0.2 inches
What 3.8 inches of rain in less than 1 hour looks like
0.25 in/hr
Rain 0.1"/hr seen on a windshield
Storm Dumps Over 3 Inches Of Rain On White Plains
Why does it rain with 0% chance of precipitation?
what one and a half inches of rain in 15 minutes looks like
Rain 0.1"/hr on the water
Yeah for rain! I think we got .02 inches today:)
Find out how 100-150 mm of rain become the next disaster for California
-TENteresting- EP1, RAIN
What's a California rain? 0.07 inches/hour would qualify...