The Atlantic Slave Trade: What Schools Never Told You
The DISTURBING Life Of A Slave On A Cotton Plantation
What happened on plantations after slaves were freed?
9 of the Biggest Slave Owners in American History
Whitney Plantation museum confronts painful history of slavery
Life Aboard a Slave Ship | History
The Atlantic slave trade: What too few textbooks told you - Anthony Hazard
Introduction of Slavery Explained for Kids
The Jones Plantation
What It Was Like To Be A Slave At George Washington's Mount Vernon
Colonization #4 - Growth of Slavery and the Plantation System
layout slave plantation
3.2 When sugar ruled the world: Plantation slavery in the 18th c. Caribbean
What Actually Happened When Slaves Were Freed
Roots: The System of American Slavery | History
Plantation Weddings Criticized for Connections to Slavery
A Maryland Plantation Addresses a Legacy of Slavery | MD F&H
Life on the Slave Plantations of the Deep South
10 Facts About Slave Breeding That Schools Failed To Teach You (Black Culture)