An outer world: Literature as a boundless space - Conversation with Mariana Enríquez
Space Law and Science Fiction Literature | Saskia Vermeylen | TEDxLancasterU
Literature of the Space | TechnoUnion
Ato Quayson, “Spatial Theory in Ulysses and Post-Colonial Literature”
Mining literature for deeper meanings - Amy E. Harter
Professor Galin Tihanov: World Literature as a Construct: Spaces of Dissent
Is the World a Place?: Cosmopolitanism and Literature after the Spatial Turn
Mysteries of the Universe: Journey into the Depths of Space 2024 | Documentary Film
Lawrence Durrell: Relativity in Literature
Performative Spaces in Language, Literature and Culture Education
Mapping Literature
Topic: National Level Webinar on "'Space' as Critical Category in Contemporary Literature
Spatial Concepts in Pandemic Literature
Can literature capture catastrophe? - Oxford Public Philosophy Discussion of Adorno and Literature
Constructing Literature and Space in 1970s Korea | Tanner Rogers
What does literature review mean - What is literature review | What does literature review look like
NEW! Homeschool Astronomy Course for the Middle School Grades | Literature-Based Course about Space
Ghenwa Hayek | Beirut, Imagining the City: Space and Place in Lebanese Literature
Role of art & literature in space industry | Day 04 | WSW '21 | SSERD