LOL Meaning
Different meanings of lol #shorts
What does LOL Stands For ? LOL Meaning | Acronym and Abbreviations
What does the acronym LMAO stand for?
IDK, LOL, HBU, BTW? The meaning of 4 common acronyms in English | Fluency Academy
What does LOL mean from a girl?
Did you know these Common Abbreviations?
Lol || Lol Full form || Acronym
OMG, LOL, and CUL: Understanding Common Texting Abbreviations
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What does ASAP/FYI/BTW/lol stand for? ماهو معنى هذه الكلمات؟#shorts #english #learnenglish #انكليزي
Decoding social media acronyms - BAE, FTW, ELI5 #Shorts
Guess The Acronym or Abbreviation #shorts
Useful Abbreviations
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i'm lactose intolerant