How Did The Shaka or Hang Loose Sign Start - Mailani Explains
The Long History and Varied Meaning of the Shaka Hang Loose Sign
Hang Loose 7grainsofsalt
12 Hand Signals and What They Mean
How to Shaka in Hawaii
Body language of the Shaka Sign or hang lose sign in Hawaii - Scott Sylvan Bell
The different meanings of the Shaka 🤙🏽
Shaka Sign: What’s The Origin of The Surfers Sign?
Origin of the Shaka Sign and why Hawaiians use it
Legend of the Shaka
shaka meaning and pronunciation
“Is sign language universal?” (Tiktok): Lizzytharris
Emoji Meanings Part 3 - Hands and Fingers | Signs | English Vocabulary
What does thumb and pinky mean?
Shaka Sign
Are Certain Hand Signs Satanic? - Ask Pastor Tim
Dying Hawaiian sign language preserved by remaining few
Can We Follow Directions In Sign Language?
Hawaii at Home: Do you know what “shaka” means?