Lord of the Flies Summary and Analysis - Chapter 3: Huts on the Beach
Lord of the Flies | Chapter 4: Painted Faces and Long Hair | William Golding
Leadership in 'Lord of the Flies'
Lord of the Flies: A 3 Minute Summary
Lord of the Flies | Chapter 7: Shadows and Tall Trees | William Golding
Lord of the Flies | Chapter 5: Beast from Water | William Golding
What Does The Beach Represent In Lord Of The Flies? - Beach Tour Guide
Symbolism in Lord of The Flies (a Unique Approach)
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Lord of the Flies - William Golding - So You Haven't Read
'LORD OF THE FLIES' by William Golding - Plot Overview
Lord of the Flies - Summary of Chapter 3
Lord of the Flies | Context | William Golding
Lord of the Flies Annotation Guide
Civilization vs. Savagery As a Theme in Lord of the Flies
Lord of the Flies - Civilisation and Savagery in the early chapters
Masculinity in Lord of the Flies - The early chapters
LOTF Symbolism
INRW 0090 - Lord of the Flies: Chapters 3-4
William Golding: Lord of the Flies - Ch. 3 (Lecture)