Local liquor store feeling impact of grocery store wine sales
Debate over grocery stores selling liquor
Wine sales coming to Colorado grocery stores could impact liquor store sales by 10%
Push for Colorado grocery stores to sell wine returns, but liquor stores fear impact
New push to sell wine in grocery stores
Three months in, Colorado liquor stores adjusting to wine in grocery stores
Grocery stores see first wine sales on Sunday in the new year
Alberta exploring selling alcohol in grocery stores
Grocery stores could sell alcohol
Local liquor stores see changes with grocery store sales
What will happen to liquor stores now that grocery stores sell full strength beer?
Full-strength beer in Colorado grocery stores impacting local liquor sales
Could wine, spirits come to grocery stores in Kentucky?
Town Hall: Could wine soon be sold in grocery stores?
KS to allow higher alcohol content beer in grocery stores
Liquor store shows 'soft' sales after grocery store law change
Wine in grocery stores: Will liquor stores see change?
Grocery stores to sell full strength liquor, beer
Colorado liquor stores prepare for wine to hit grocery store shelves
Prohibition (to sell liquor in grocery stores) ends