Why do innocent people plead guilty to crimes they didn’t commit?
You're supposed to plead NOT GUILTY (even if you did it).
Why defendants plead guilty to crimes they didn’t commit
Why Do People Plead Guilty to a Crime They Did Not Commit?
I Committed The Offence... Should I Plead Guilty To Get The Case Over With?
Would you plead guilty to a murder you didn't commit?
Why Innocent People Plead Guilty | Adnan Sultan | TEDxFurmanU
My answer to "how do you defend someone you think is guilty"
You Should Plead NOT GUILTY (Even If You Did The Crime)
What if you tell your lawyer you’re guilty? @Law By Mike #Shorts #lawyer #law
Want Your Case Dismissed? Don't Accept a Plea.
What Does it Mean to be Criminally Insane
America's Guilty Plea Problem: Rodney Roberts
When You are FORCED to Plead GUILTY!
When Should I Consider Pleading Guilty?
What happens if I don't take a plea bargain / plea deal?
Who would confess to a murder they didn’t commit? Maybe you. | Nancy Franklin | TEDxSBU
Guilty or Not Guilty: What You Should Know Before Entering A Plea | Andrew Williams Criminal Lawyer
Falsely Accused? 3 Things That May Save You | Washington State Attorney