Scientific notation
Hundred Thousands Place Values
Math Grade 5 - Decimals in written form thousandths
MAT03L01: Reading and Writing Numbers Up to Hundred Thousands
Adding Numbers Using Standard Algorithm (to Hundred Thousands)
Year 5 Maths Day 5 Understand Thousandths
Convert fractional tenths, hundredths and thousandths to decimals | Decimals | Year 5
Rounding to thousands and ten-thousand not leading digit
Decimals to Thousandths
Rounding 1 Rounding to tens, hundreds, thousands etc
Represent decimal values to the thousandths using base ten blocks
How to Rename One Thousand as Tens and Hundreds
1 Read and Write Numbers in the Hundreds (100s) and Thousands (1000s)
Hundred thousand
Write: one thousand, three hundred eighty
Describe Decimal Numbers Using Words in Two Ways Hundredths and thousandths
Rounding numbers to the nearest hundred thousand
4th | MATH: UNLOCKED | How-To Read Numbers to the Hundred Thousands Place
Estimation and Approximation (Rounding off to nearest hundreds, thousands, ones, 1 decimal place...)
Rounding Numbers to the nearest Thousand