long-winded - 15 adjectives which are synonym to long-winded (sentence examples)
Long-winded Meaning
Definition of the word "Long-winded"
Word of the Day: Long-Winded
windy - 6 adjectives synonym to windy (sentence examples)
A long-winded answer to a simple question... | TestDriveNow
3 Minutes Proficiency Vocab | Verbose, Long-winded, Elongated, Prolonged, Streached-out
Word of the Day -Long -Winded
Pronunciation of Long-winded | Definition of Long-winded
winded: How to pronounce winded with Phonetic and Examples
Unwind with “Winded”: Mastering English Phrases
lengthy - 10 adjectives which are synonym to lengthy (sentence examples)
rambling - 11 adjectives which are synonym of rambling (sentence examples)
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Loquacious - Meanings Pronunciation Examples and Synonyms
Windy | what is WINDY meaning
What does short-winded mean?
Vocabulary Builder #442 - verbs #synonyms #pronunciation #Inglés #pronunciar
discursive - 12 adjectives which are synonyms of discursive (sentence examples)
protracted - 8 adjectives synonym to protracted (sentence examples)