What is urban sprawl?
How a 23-Year-Old Solved Urban Sprawl
Urban Sprawl Explained
The Worst type of Urban Sprawl
Geography - Impacts of urban sprawl
The Problem of Urban Sprawl
How Suburban Sprawl Weighs On The U.S. Economy
Urban Problems in Mexico City (urban sprawl)
Land Use
Is Europe Sprawling?
KC Public School - Urban Sprawl
Nature's response to urban sprawl | DW Documentary
Urban Growth Boundaries: Effective or Worthless?
Urban sprawl: a Fitchburg, WI example
Southern councils' bid to stop urban sprawl
The difference between Urban Planning and Urban Design explained in 100 seconds
Sustainable Cities: Crash Course Geography #49
Urban Sprawl Review - with Tom Vasel
Managing Urban Sprawl in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Urbanization and the future of cities - Vance Kite