Who decides what art means? - Hayley Levitt
what is aesthetic
The Psychology of Aesthetics
Beauty, Art & the Aesthetic | L.C. Lupus (Unisa | Theory of Literature - THL1501)
Forgery and Aesthetic Value
Biggest Difference Between Bad Art and Great Art by UCLA Professor Richard Walter
What is Aesthetic Realism? (Philosophy of Art)
Elisabeth Schellekens: Art and Knowledge – The Cognitive Yield of Aesthetic Experience
GR86/BRZ Strut Bars Ranked
the Impact of Contextual Information on Aesthetic Engagement of Artworks - Kohinoor Darda
Cognitive Neuroscience of Aesthetics
Aesthetic Perspective
Nick Zangwill on Aesthetic Theories of Art
Module 9 (Aesthetic Terms and Value)
Why art is important | Katerina Gregos | TEDxGhent
What is Aesthetic Functionalism? (Philosophy of Art)
The Proper Aim of Art is Aesthetic Excellence: Royal Institute of Philosophy Annual Debate 2016
An Overview of Kant & Beauty
Brain and Art: The Neuroscience of Aesthetic Appreciation by Oshin Vartanian
Beauty & the Brain: Neurobiology and Psychology of Aesthetic Appreciation, A Talk by Oshin Vartanian