What is Ethnic Studies?
Why ethnic studies matters | Ron Espiritu | TEDxAmherstCollege
Why We Need Ethnic Studies in High School | Hannah Gedion | TEDxManhattanBeach
Ethnic Studies: Education or Indoctrination?
Lessons in ethnic studies
SUHSD Ethnic Studies - Episode 1 - What is Ethnic Studies and why is it important?
Ethnic studies a new graduation requirement for California State University students
Introduction to Ethnic Studies | UC Scout Trailer
Black on Route 66
Ethnic Studies
History Class With Michael Ep. 6 (History of Ethnic Studies)
Makeba Jones - Why Ethnic Studies is important to you
Introduction to Ethnic Studies
What is the Ethnic Studies major? | Dr. Diana Johnson
Origins of Ethnic Studies
Ethnic Studies in the Classroom | Inside California Education
Ethnic Studies: "How Is That Inclusive?"
The Importance of Ethnic Studies and Identity: An Interview with Guadalupe Cardona
An Ethnic Studies Program Sued The Lawmakers That Banned It (HBO)
Preview: Inside California Education - Ethnic Studies in the Classroom