GDPR explained: How the new data protection act could change your life
What are the 7 principles of GDPR?
Data protection 101: What is personal data?
GDPR Explained | Personal Data vs. Sensitive Data
The Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Data protection explained in three minutes
Data Protection and UK GDPR: Safeguarding Personal Data in the Digital Age
The UK GDPR: What you need to know
Everything You Need to Know About the UK Data Protection Act 2018
What is a Breach for GDPR
Differences in UK GDPR & EU GDPR
GDPR, ICO, and Data Protection in the UK
Data protection 101: The rights of the individual - in more detail
GDPR in 10 Minutes - GDPR INTRODUCTION (Session 1)
What is GDPR? An Animated Overview of GDPR - Usecure
UK GDPR in Education Training | GDPR Training | iHASCO
Summary of the UK Data Protection Bill for GDPR
International transfers of personal data under GDPR - the new landscape (2021) preview
GDPR Explained For Small Business in UK | Quick Start Guide