RAU Rural Land Management
Rural Land Management Tools: An Introduction
Video 2: An Introduction to Land Administration - what is land administration?
Urban and Rural Land Explained
Rural Land Management Tools: Land Trusts
Video 3: An Introduction to Land Administration - Why is land administration important?
Training on NRLAIS Live Demo: Yohannes Redda
Training Briefing on concepts, Developmet, Capabilities of NRLAIS :Yohannes Redda
Video 1: An Introduction to Land Administration - Overview and Introduction
Land Administration in Afrika
Farmers: A Year On The Land | E06 Pigs & Salmon | Full Documentary
The Changing Role of Rural Land
Vietnam Land Administration Project
Bringing rural land administration service closer to farmers’ doorsteps
Video 16: An Introduction to Land Administration - tools for land administration
Video 7: An Introduction to Land Administration - Land Administration
German: Land Administration
Department of Agriculture, Rural Development & Land Administration
Video 6: An Introduction to Land Administration - Land policy and management
The Interface Between Land Tenure Security and Land Administration