Understanding Social Locations & Identites Part 1, with Dee Watts-Jones
Social Locations & How they Impact Us Part 3, with Dee Watts-Jones
Social Location video notes
Social Locations & Intersectionality Part 2, with Dee Watts-Jones
intro unit 4 video 7 social locations
Who am I? Social Location
My Social Location
The Impact of Social Location & Worldview on Multicultural Counseling Frameworks
Sociology Social Location and the Sociological Imagination
What is social location, and how does it change perspectives?
Social location & Identity
What is intersectionality?
Social Structure and Social Location
The Sociological Imagination
What Is Sociology?: Crash Course Sociology #1
Social Location Video
SOCY 355 Social Location Presentation
Social Location
The Impacts of Social Class: Crash Course Sociology #25